Fleet management isn’t an easy task irrespective of the number of vehicles involved. This is because there are various components to account for, especially how you retain and reward your drivers. Due to stiff competition in the fleet and transport industry, there is a glaring shortage for competent and disciplined drivers. Identifying and retaining these professionals not only improves their job satisfaction, but also helps keep your business afloat. Fleet management analytics can help you retain drivers in the following ways.
Enhances Communication
Communication forms the backbone of every transport company. Drivers are likely to leave for greener pastures if they can’t communicate with you whenever an issue comes up. You can avoid this by using fleet management systems that enable you to share feedback with your drivers consistently. This helps you to easily identify any issues that might arise. It is particularly helpful since you can establish / improve professional relationships with new & long-standing drivers, thus preventing them from getting “poached” by rivals.
Performance Monitoring
Hiring drivers for your fleet takes time. Since you will not be around them 24/7, fleet management analytics can help you monitor their performance. In doing so, weaknesses and strengths can be identified and acted upon accordingly. This goes a long way in helping them sharpen their expertise. The use of electronic monitoring devices similarly helps your drivers get feedback about their performance. This way, good performance is recognized while below-par performers are encouraged to improve. Having this information helps you to reward and retain your drivers.
Better Management of Schedules
The high turnover of drivers in the logistics industry can often be attributed to poor scheduling of roles. Drivers need time off to spend time with their family members. Fleet management analytics enable you to determine each driver’s man hours, and the amount of time-off that they need. This enables you to formulate and maintain schedules that factor in their family and leisure time. It is hard to keep such records manually. Automated scheduling increases driver loyalty and in turn helps you retain talented drivers within your organization.
Fleet management analytics systems enable transport managers to provide their drivers with learning and advancement opportunities. Drivers tend to stay in companies where they feel appreciated and rewarded fairly for their efforts. As such, fleet owners should incorporate analytics in their operations since they offer better and more forward-looking benefits. The use of these analytic systems in turn helps managers to evaluate the needs of their companies.