If you live in an area where it frequently snows then you are no stranger to the obstacles and dangers that come along with it. Whether it is a full on blizzard, or a quick burst of icy flakes, it is pertinent to everyone’s safety to keep roads and walkways clear and salted.This complex task falls on the shoulders of many independently owned snow removal businesses, and their skilled employees. These snow specialists rely heavily on their trucks, plows, and other high-valued equipment to get the job done – requiring them to be out in dicey conditions, at all hours plowing, snowblowing, salting and shoveling so the rest of the world can proceed with life as usual.
Snow removal businesses can benefit greatly from Zubie Dashcam. While snow removal employees are excellent at what they do, a high risk remains for critical incidents to occur that can cause serious harm to the operator, and costly damage to the vehicle. With Zubie Dashcam acting as a second set of eyes, snow removal companies can have the peace of mind knowing they are backed by Dashcam technology.
Zubie Dashcam and Snow Removal Vehicles
Zubie Dashcam is a comprehensive fleet management solution, combining video tracking, driver monitoring, and GPS all in one device. These features allow companies to prioritize safety while improving the overall operations of their business.
Video Tracking
The dual camera system captures activity in and outside of the vehicle, giving snow removal businesses maximum visibility into their field operations. Video can be live streamed, and recorded to reference at a later time. Accidents and other probable critical incidents are precisely documented and cloud stored as documentation of fault or negligence. In the event of any incident, recorded footage can provide your insurer with exactly what they need to process claims accurately.
Driver Monitoring
Snow removal is equally challenging and dangerous. Drivers need to be alert, and practice safe driving behaviors at all times. Zubie Dashcam takes away much of the burden that comes with unnecessary distractions, allowing snow removal experts to focus solely on their job. Additionally, drivers are often deterred from behaviors such as phone calls or texting while moving, when they are aware of Zubie Dashcam capabilities, thus reducing the risk of a critical incident.
Zubie’s Chief Revenue Officer, Mark Novak elaborates, “Even the highest trained drivers and operators are susceptible to distractions, and incidents outside of their control. With Zubie’s Dashcam, employees can remain focused on the job at hand knowing they have “eyes’ in and outside of their vehicle cabin. This is a necessity when drivers are navigating icy and snowy conditions and should there be an accident, there is clear understanding as to what happened based on video footage”.
Enhanced GPS Capabilities
Snow removal businesses need all hands on deck to quickly, and efficiently clear the roads and walkways. Knowing the exact location of your trusted employees will simplify the management of your snow removal accounts. Zubie Dashcam provides trip histories which can serve as a virtual sign in and out for your crews, and can keep track of your vehicles. Operations can know when employees are coming and going from one assignment to the next, and track if they are making the most out of their time. The wealth of knowledge provided by GPS technology allows snow removal companies to maximize the success of their operations.
Tracking Assets Beyond Plow Trucks
Snow removal is much more than just a truck and a plow. Successful businesses also utilize additional equipment to clear walkways, and smaller areas. These jobs require the use of industrial snowblowers, skid steers, and salters – all extremely high-valued equipment.
Zubie Asset Trak is an optimal solution for snow removal companies to know the exact location of these revenue-accruing machines. Asset Trak deters theft, and tampering of equipment along with a plethora of other benefits. Check out this indepth post for a comprehensive look into Asset Trak
Simple Improvement with Maximum Benefits
Utilizing Zubie Dashcam is sure to result in improved efficiency and safety, ultimately saving your snow removal company time and money. With a quick and simple installation process, your company can start benefiting from Zubie’s Dashcam almost immediately. Contact a Zubie expert to get you started.