Congratulations! You are the proud parent of a new teen driver! This is both liberating and terrifying all at once. On one hand, you have been freed from being a glorified taxi driver. On the other hand, you are a nervous wreck. These feelings of relief and freedom are fleeting and are soon replaced with constant panic and worry.
Even with hours of driver education and behind the wheel practice, your teen is still a novice driver and is up against a myriad of risk factors while on the road. In fact, 1 in 5 teen drivers will have a vehicle accident within their first year of driving. They will no longer have you there to remind them about speed limits, seat belts or to pay attention to their surroundings.
Handing over those car keys contradicts your parental instincts to protect your teen at all costs. You will not be able to keep them in a bubble once they are out driving on their own. However, this does not mean you cannot take measures to keep them safe. Thankfully, we live in a time where there are tools and technology to help you protect your new teen driver without needing to be in the passenger seat.
Zubie Dashcam is a simple, intuitive solution to give you peace of mind when your teen is driving without you, and it will also provide your teen with tools to become a safer driver on their own.
What is Zubie Dashcam?
Zubie Dashcam is a smart solution to protect and monitor teen driving. It combines video tracking, driver monitoring, and GPS all in one device. Zubie Dashcams use OBD-II telematics and plugs directly into your vehicle’s OBD-II port. All data from videos, photos, and reports can be viewed on a user-friendly dashboard via web or mobile applications easily downloaded from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store.
With dual HD cameras, live streaming, and video recording, all activity inside and outside of the vehicle is monitored and always recorded. This technology is vital in ensuring optimal safety every time your teen gets behind the wheel. The cameras can capture everything, from your teen missing a stop sign, to passenger behavior, or a critical incident like a crash. If your teen is involved in an accident, the video footage provides an exact account of what happened. They will never have to feel pressured!
Zubie Dashcam Reduces Distracted Driving
The leading cause of teenage car crashes is distracted driving. Driving with any sort of distraction makes it difficult for teens to react quickly to avoid an accident. Distractions such as cell phones, passengers, music and eating while driving are all prevalent occurrences for teen drivers. Studies show that even though most teen drivers know the dangers of distracted driving, many of them choose to engage in dangerous behaviors anyway. In fact, in 2019, 39% of high school students reported texting or emailing while driving during the past month from when the survey was taken.
These kinds of statistics make it hard to feel confident that your teen will do the right thing. Their lack of driving experience coupled with peer pressure can often play a huge role in being distracted while driving.
With Zubie Dashcam, teen drivers are less inclined to be burdened by unnecessary distractions and can give their full attention to the road ahead. Dashcam gives parents access to know what is always going on when their teen is driving. When teens know that you have this ability, they are more likely to engage in safe driving behaviors. And if your teen is involved in an accident, Dashcam will help figure out who was at fault and if distracted driving was a factor.
Zubie Dashcam Discourages Risky Driving Behaviors
You can chalk it up to inexperience or the need to look cool, but either way, teens are known for engaging in risky driving behaviors. Zubie Dashcam gives parents insight into these behaviors such as not wearing a seat belt, speeding, rapid acceleration, harsh braking, and having too many passengers in the car. This insight is invaluable given teen drivers have the lowest seat belt use rates, and according to the CDC 55% of teens who lost their lives in crashes were not wearing their seat belts. Additionally, they are statistically more likely to speed than adults.
Having live access to activity inside your teen’s vehicle can put your mind at ease. You will be able to address these behaviors in real-time and use the driver performance reports as a teaching tool to improve your teen’s driving and reduce risky behaviors.
Benefits of Using Telematics to Track Teen Driving
Your teen might not be super keen on having their driving monitored, but when explained correctly they will quickly realize that this is an act of love and protection, and not an invasion of privacy. Zubie Dashcam is truly a way to keep your teen driver safe and provide learning opportunities to improve their driving behavior. With telematic technology, parents can set driving rules that will reinforce curfews and boundaries. You will receive alerts when these preset rules are violated. More likely than not, the alerts will not happen often. New teen drivers tend to take the necessary steps to be a better driver because they know you can check their driving score and have direct visibility into what is happening inside the car.
Zubie’s Chief Revenue Officer, Mark Novak, uses Zubie Dashcam to help his son, a new teen driver, be safer while providing an opportunity to coach when the Dashcam alerts to particular driving behaviors.
“Getting alerts of hard braking or rapid acceleration, as well as knowing when he enters particular geofences/places like home, school and work is comforting. I access the app to see any alerts, view the incident, and then coach on what could be done better. Even though we use Life360, this data cannot be captured through just a mobile application.” It is important to have a conversation with your child to demonstrate that the reason is not due to lack of trust, but for greater protection and growth.
Not only does the Dashcam provide video, it also reports on the health of the vehicle. “An added benefit is knowing critical vehicle data such as maintenance intervals, odometer and fuel readings as well as any diagnostic codes and their meanings. Dashcam users also gain access to Zubie’s SmartMaintence application which provides on average up to 26% off regular maintenance and repairs. This alone can more than cover the expense of the solution.”
Ready to Keep Your New Teen Driver Safe?
Zubie Dashcam is a readily available tool to help keep your new teen driver safe. It is extremely affordable, giving many families access to this industry-leading technology. With installation being quick and easy, you will be up and running in no time at all.
If you are ready to take the necessary steps to protect your teen driver, or would like to learn more about how Zubie Dashcam can help your family, contact our experts today.