Whether it be transportation to or from the airport, or a ride home after a night out on the town, rideshare companies and their employees provide a valuable transportation solution for millions of people worldwide. Rideshare drivers have a commitment to transporting riders safely, and promptly to their desired destination. As simple of an operation as this may seem, the nature of the rideshare industry bares plenty of risks and challenges. One inventive way to mitigate these risks is to utilize technology to safeguard every ride, technology such as Zubie Dashcam.
Zubie Dashcam provides a multitude of benefits for rideshare businesses. Dashcam offers real-time GPS tracking and telematics to provide live mapping, detailed trip history, driver scoring, idling, fuel monitoring, odometer readings, and geofencing. These features are powerful on their own, but together are unbeatable in providing comprehensive reporting, route efficiency, and insight into driver performance. Passengers also benefit greatly from this technology and can breathe easy knowing their needs and safety are a priority.
#1 Passenger Reassurance:
Rideshare clients seek out companies that they feel they can trust. Zubie Dashcam provides clients with reassurance that they are in good hands. Dashcam monitors both the road and vehicle cabin. Passengers can feel a sense of safety and security knowing their ride experience, and the contents of the vehicle will be recorded in its entirety.
#2 Driver Reassurance:
Rideshare drivers always run the risk of picking up less than ideal passengers. Riders can be disorderly, provoke an altercation, attempt to steal vehicle contents, or get sick inside the vehicle after a night out. Drivers can feel confident and secure with Zubie Dashcam as a second set of eyes to document any incident that puts them in danger, or damages their vehicle.
#3 Critical Incident Evidence:
Safety is of utmost importance when it comes to transportation of any kind, but especially for rideshare services. Why rely solely on the driver to ensure top notch safety passengers when technology is there to assist? Zubie Dashcam takes the guesswork out of the equation by increasing driver and passenger accountability, and providing certainty of the safest ride possible.
In the case of a critical incident or dispute when on the clock, drivers, and passengers can rely on Zubie Dashcam to have an accurate account of the entire experience. With dual HD cameras and cloud uploads, the proper authorities can view activity in real time or access it at their convienence. .
Zubie’s Chief Revenue Officer, Mark Novak says, “Being able to monitor activity in and outside of a rideshare vehicle can be a key component in ensuring clients have a positive experience. When they know the benefits of this technology, they can simply enjoy their transport and trust that the driver and Zubie will take care of the rest.”
#4 Saving Money With Lowered Insurance Rates:
Running a rideshare company comes with a long list of liabilities, often leading to high insurance rates. By using Zubie’s telematics technology, many of these liabilities diminish due to having access to accurate driver reports, and video that documents any incidents in and outside of the rideshare vehicle.
Zubie Dashcam technology provides tools such as live GPS tracking and geofencing to keep companies informed while drivers are on the road. Driver locations can be tracked up to the second from the dashboard on both Zubie’s web and mobile apps, and geofencing can be utilized around a pick-up or drop-off location to send an alert when a driver has arrived (Particularly helpful for regulations drivers must follow at most airports). Drivers are motivated by knowing tools are in place to ensure their responsibilities are being met.
When drivers are aware that their performance is being assessed, many make a conscious effort to correct risky driving behaviors such as speeding, hard braking, or erratic lane switching. These types of assessments lead to improved driving records, and can reduce insurance rates up to 25%. Not to mention that many insurance companies may even offer a discounted rate of up to 10% for just having technology like Zubie Dashcams installed.
#5 Positive Impact on Client Satisfaction and Vehicle Health:
Rideshare companies rely heavily on client satisfaction and the health of their vehicles to fuel the success of their business. Drivers play a vital role in both of these. Clients are satisfied when their overall ride is positive, and they arrive promptly to their destination.
Additionally, factors such as driver behavior, idling, fuel efficiency, and mileage can have a massive impact on the health of rideshare vehicles and your company’s wealth. Zubie Dashcam reports give an indepth look into these factors which will allow companies to make adjustments where needed to maximize vehicle health and profit.
Safeguard Your Rideshare Company
Operating a rideshare company without Dashcam leaves drivers and passengers susceptible to too many risks. Safeguarding your vehicles with Zubie Dashcam is simply a smart way to operate your rideshare company. Contact our experts at Zubie to assist you in outfitting your rideshare vehicles in no time at all.