Information for 3G Shutdown

Case Studies

Hertz Tupelo - Enterprise Fleet Management

Beth Carter

Hertz Tupelo needed help tracking their units. Vehicles were lost in waiting, forgotten, and often difficult to manage across multiple locations. They turned to Zubie’s software for better fleet management.

Close up between cars on a rental lot.
Close up between cars on a rental lot.

In A Nutshell


The Problem

Missing and unused vehicles.


The Solution

Maximize profits by keeping cars in use.


The Results

All units in use and increased revenue.

Beth's Story

Fleet Management Made Easy

Beth Carter, Hertz Tupelo Manager, came to Zubie looking to solve issues with tracking units.  They had so many units that were either getting lost waiting for service, missing the keys when they were trying to sell, or vehicles would be forgotten about altogether.

Before using Zubie, Hertz Tupelo did not have an easy way to keep up with their fleets at multiple locations. They also had to trust that customers would return the cars on weekends when they didn’t have staff on site. This meant a lot of trust and guesswork, and no certain visibility on where their total fleet was or what was actually happening with individual vehicles.

Zubie helped to narrow in on Beth’s real issue: She needed an easy, scalable way to efficiently manage idle units and maximize profits by keeping all cars in use.

car dealership showroom as seen from balcony above

Boosting Profits

Using Zubie’s robust fleet management platform, she easily manages idle units and makes the most profit by keeping all cars moving. Zubie was the first and only fleet management tool that has worked effectively for the Hertz Tupelo branch.

With Zubie, they maximize revenue by taking the guessing out of return days/times.  They can ensure all units are being used and not missed over. Also, they can send more local units one way and not be afraid of losing track of them. Cars no longer remain idle at various locations, waiting days for staff from other sites to locate them.

No guesswork. No wasted time. No missed revenue.

A centralized platform was exactly what Beth needed to make sure the entire fleet was tracked, locatable, and profiting.

Seamless Fleet Management


“Before using Zubie I did not have an easy way to keep up with my fleets at multiple locations. Now we do not miss revenue in between days by guessing at return days/times. Zubie is our first/only fleet management tool and has worked great!”

Beth Carter Branch Manager

Additional Case Studies

Overline Connect

Contact us today to learn how Zubie can help produce results like this for your company
