How Telematics Enhances Tire Pressure Monitoring for Better Fleet Management
One of the most significant challenges that every fleet manager faces is the vast amount of data they must constantly track. Each car or truck in your fleet generates thousands of data points that shift continually and demand regular monitoring.
Tire pressure stands out as a crucial example. Proper tire pressure plays a massive role in ensuring your car’s safety and fuel efficiency. By regularly monitoring tire pressure, you can protect your fleet, drivers, and others on the road. However, this task can quickly become complicated: Various factors, such as weather, distance traveled, and temperature, can affect tire pressure. These variables make it extremely challenging to maintain consistent monitoring and determine when a refill or replacement is necessary.
Fortunately, Zubie’s advanced telematics solutions actively monitor tire pressure in real-time, helping to prevent tire issues and ensuring that your vehicles operate safely.
The Impact of Tire Pressure Monitoring on Fuel Efficiency
Let’s go back to the basics. Every car and truck requires tires that operate within set parameters. Cars are designed with these parameters in mind, and any deviation may cause your vehicle to operate less efficiently.
A considerable part of fuel efficiency is ensuring your car can move with as little resistance as possible. If your tires do not have high enough air pressure, they become less firm and more likely to sag. This makes it harder for your tires to spin efficiently. It also means more resistance as your tires meet the road, a problem that becomes particularly acute when driving on less-than-ideal road conditions, like wet, snowy, or icy roads.
Data from the United States government suggests that properly inflated tires can improve fuel efficiency by up to 3%. For fleet managers spending six or seven figures on fuel annually, this 3% savings can translate into substantial cost reductions. Therefore, it’s in your fleet’s best interest to ensure that every tire is properly inflated before each trip.
Furthermore, you will want to regularly perform necessary maintenance on your cars or trucks that may impact tire pressure. This includes regular tire rotation, wheel alignment, and tire replacement. Tracking when maintenance is done can be difficult, but a telematics system can provide vehicle health alerts and preemptively inform you when your fleet needs maintenance. With telematics, you’re better positioned to protect your fleet and ensure it operates at maximum fuel efficiency.
Other Concerns With Tire Pressure
Of course, fuel efficiency isn’t the only reason to monitor tire pressure and ensure you receive alerts whenever there is a problem.
Preventive Maintenance: Tire pressure is critically connected to vehicle safety. If you have a leak in one of your tires, regular monitoring can detect that leak before a vehicle goes on a long trip, thus keeping your car or truck in service and ensuring that your passengers and cargo get where they need to be.
Preventing Blowouts: If a tire pressure gets too low, you increase the risk of a blowout, which can be catastrophic at high speeds. As such, regularly monitoring your tire pressure can reduce the odds of this very dangerous situation.
How Telematics Can Help
Most cars come equipped with tire pressure sensors. As useful as this data is, it’s often not enough. Rental car drivers may not care if they have low tire pressure, and truck drivers may miss this information. Furthermore, this data is only available to drivers when a car is on. If something happens while a car is off, data may get missed entirely.
A unified telematics platform can significantly enhance fleet performance and safety. Telematics works by installing an easy-to-use monitoring device into your vehicles. From there, information is fed into your telematics platform, like Zubie’s Fleet Connect, to give you up-to-the-second information about a car or truck’s tire pressure. With this information, you can track a vehicle’s performance and ensure all tires operate within designed safety parameters. This information enables you to refill tires or replace them as necessary.
Partner With Zubie
Our telematics platform ensures that you can regularly and automatically monitor the performance of your vehicles, including the tire pressure on all of your cars and trucks. This preventative safety monitoring can prevent a tragedy and ensure your vehicles operate as expected. It also ensures that your drivers can pay more attention to the driving, while fleet managers concentrate on issues like a vehicle’s maintenance and vehicle health.
Our system was designed to help fleet managers like you get the data you need to perform your job better. Want more information? We’re here to help. Contact Zubie today to learn more.